8 Best Amazon PPC Tips That Will Boost Your Amazon Sales

Amazon PPC advertising is vital for business.

Amazon Sponsored ads are now an indispensable part of a seller’s arsenal. Amazon PPC campaigns can skyrocket sales and visibility when used well. However, a poorly optimized campaign can cost you. It is a pay-to-play game, and you need to play well to get ahead.  

This is a guest post from
Arishekar N.

Arishekar is the Head of Marketing at SellerApp and specializes in digital marketing, in addition to website keyword optimization for search engines. His areas of expertise include enhancing the organic ranking of webpages on search engines with innovative SEO strategies and online promotions.

How can you ensure that your campaigns are always profitable? While advertising strategies need to be created with your business goals in mind, there are a few vital fundamentals. 

Here are eight Amazon PPC tips that will help you hit the mark in 2021. 

#1 Use Automatic Campaigns for Keyword Research 

It is important to keep a balance between your manual campaigns and automatic campaigns. Manual campaigns can be fine-tuned and optimized to maximize ROI. Automatic campaigns are a great source of data and new keywords. 

In an automatic campaign, Amazon does most of the work for you. It needs little oversight and usually delivers positive results. Amazon’s algorithms also find and automatically bid on relevant keywords. It identifies keywords based on historical data and your listings. 

In this process, Amazon’s algorithms often find high-converting keywords. These keywords should be moved to your manual campaigns for further optimization. This will allow you to maximize ROI. 

While the process and strategy sound simple, execution is not as straightforward. You need to analyze a lot of data from your search term reports to identify these keywords. It is tedious and time-consuming. However, with SellerApp’s ‘Amazon auto campaign to manual campaign’ feature, you can do this with a few clicks. Machine learning algorithms automatically process your data and identifies relevant keywords. All you need to do is select a manual campaign and click ‘move to manual’ to transfer the keyword! 

8 Best Amazon PPC Tips That Will Boost Your Amazon Sales

#2 Identify and Bid on Long-tail Keywords

This strategy is tailor-made for sellers launching a new product. It is a situation where your product’s organic ranking is low. There is no sales history and the lack of reviews and social proof also means that the chances of conversion are low. 

Many sellers adopt an aggressive PPC strategy by targeting high-volume keywords. This is usually a massive drain on the advertising budget. When the competition is tight, a keyword’s cost per click is higher. This is a strategy you can adopt if you have the money to burn. 

The experts take a different approach. They do not bid on high-volume keywords. Instead, they target long-tail keywords.

Since there is less competition, the cost per click is lower. This keeps your ACoS under control. 

There is a trade-off. You are sacrificing visibility for healthier margins. However, the additional sales will help you increase organic ranking and build social proof. As your metrics slowly improve, you can begin adding high-volume keywords to your campaigns.     

#3 Utilize Negative Targeting 

Most sellers struggle to contain their ACoS because of keywords that don’t convert. There is a simple solution to the problem – negative keyword targeting.

What is negative targeting? In simple terms, when you mark a keyword as ‘negative,’ your products will not be advertised for it. 

The question is, what type of keywords need to be marked as negative? 

You should look out for keywords that drive a lot of clicks but do not convert. They drain your ad budget for negligible returns. Whenever you find a keyword that meets these criteria, consider marking it as negative.

Is the keyword relevant to your listing? Then you should try to optimize the bid. If that does not work, mark it as negative. 

Pro tip: Before moving a keyword to a manual campaign, mark it as negative for the automatic campaign. This is to make sure that your campaigns do not compete against each other.

#4 Simplify PPC Management with Automation

Amazon PPC optimization is a tedious and data-intensive process. Many parts of the process are monotonous and can easily be automated. This will help you scale your business and save valuable time. 

Automation also eliminates the possibility of human error. Machines are not prone to fatigue and are great at following instructions. Machines can easily accomplish monotonous and tedious tasks. With tools like SellerApp, you can automate the following functions: 

  • Bid optimization
  • Negative keyword targeting
  • PPC campaigns 

These are tasks that usually require constant vigilance and thorough data analysis. With automation tools like SellerApp, you just need to set your required parameters. The algorithms will take care of the rest.

8 Best Amazon PPC Tips That Will Boost Your Amazon Sales

How does it work? 

Let’s take an example. You want to maximize ROI from high-converting keywords. To accomplish your goals, you need to periodically increase the default bid amount. To get started, select SellerApp’s ROI optimizer template. 

Enter the following parameters: orders, ACoS, maximum bid amount, and rate of bid increase. After you click ‘review and enable,’ the rules are examined by SellerApp’s experts. Once the review is complete, the operation is activated. 

#5 Bid on Competitors’ Brand Keywords

This is an aggressive amazon advertising strategy that is useful when competing against a bigger brand. 

The concept is nothing unique. You bid on your competitors’ brand keywords. When a customer searches for a competitor’s product, your ad will be on page one of the search results. This allows you to piggyback on a competitor’s success and potentially steal customers.  

This is a great way to boost sales and visibility. If your competition isn’t careful, you can seriously put a dent in their market share while simultaneously improving yours! 

#6 Bid on Your Brand Keywords

Your competitors can always deploy an aggressive marketing strategy. You need to be prepared to counter it. 

Like I mentioned earlier, bidding on a competitor’s brand keywords is a great way to boost sales and visibility. Your competitors are likely to use this strategy as well. 

The easiest way to protect your market share is by bidding on your brand keywords. This will ensure that your customers keep purchasing from your product line. Additionally, it also makes it more expensive for your competitors to bid on your brand keywords. The key is to make it unviable for the competition to make a profit by bidding on your brand!

#7 Group Product Variations 

If a product has multiple variations, you need to be careful about ad cannibalization. You can avoid this by packaging and selling them under a unique ASIN. 

This will make it easier to advertise them. Instead of advertising each product separately, you can focus on advertising the bundle. This will help you save money and ensure that the products do not compete with each other for an advertising spot. 

8 Best Amazon PPC Tips That Will Boost Your Amazon Sales

#8 Stop Advertising! 

This does not mean that you should immediately pause all your campaigns.

There are situations where even super-optimized Amazon PPC campaigns will not drive sales. You can only succeed on Amazon if you have the right product. If no one wants to buy it, no amount of advertising spend will help. 

In cases where there is no demand for the product, stop advertising it. You’ll just end up wasting money. If the product has a good CTR, you should first optimize the listing. If the problem persists, then it is prudent to stop advertising. 

Every product and advertising campaign needs to be monitored regularly. If there is a steep fall in demand for a product, you need to track it. A product that is popular today, may not be popular tomorrow. You need to be agile and adapt to prevailing market demands to succeed. 

Final Thoughts

Advertising is only one part of a seller’s journey. To maximize your returns, you need to optimize every step of the process. SellerApp is designed to help you do just that! The comprehensive data analytics platform is the only tool you will need to scale your Amazon business. You don’t need to take my word for it. 

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