Why a Worldwide Pandemic Does Not Affect Dadaro

Success Story: Dadaro EN


Jewelry & Precious metals

Items in Amazon: 
approx. 1.600 SKUs

approx. 700 per month


In 2008, the family company – founded in 2004 and specialized in the manufacturing, purchase, and sales of jewelry – saw how the traditional wholesale channel was slowly coming to an end. Due to the economic crisis and the rise in the price of gold, there was a decline in the demand for the purchase of jewelry which negatively impacted their sales. At this point, Luis Gómez, CEO of Dadaro, had no doubt that in order to save the family business, he had to make a jump into online sales.

Starting Out:

After having created the jewellery e-commerce store MondePetit, Luis decided to become an Amazon seller in 2015. For Dadaro, his active Amazon store in Spain, he immediately recognized the possibilities that the Marketplace offered him in regard to selling his products internationally. In 2017 he started working with the Amazon FBA services, and thereby took the family business to an international level, selling in markets such as Italy, Germany, France, and the United Kingdom.

“Using Amazon‘s FBA services and multi-channel logistics through our website has had a huge impact on our business,” Luis confirms. “From a customer service aspect, it has helped us a lot, as Amazon handles customer requests directly. However, on the other hand, I was aware that – with the amount of transactions we handle – there was merchandise that would go lost in their logistics centres”.


During the times of severe lockdown measures in Spain, Luis paid close attention to the offers that popped up in his inbox. This is how he came across an email he received from the VGAMZ, the first marketplace consultancy agency in Spain, specialized in Amazon: “The email caught my attention and since I happened to have some time on my hands, I decided to listen to the VGAMZ podcast. That‘s also how I found their Youtube channel, where I watched video tutorials about the Lost & Found tool, and this is where I discovered SELLERLOGIC!” Luis explains. “I immediately said to myself, this is exactly what I need right now. I wrote it down, and in a few days I was creating my account at SELLERLOGIC”.

Luis Gómez

CEO at Dadaro

“Companies have nothing to lose by using this tool, I recommend it to all kinds of Amazon sellers.“

Successful Results With SELLERLOGIC:

Everything was quick and easy from the beginning without even having to request any help from the SELLERLOGIC customer service team, says Luis. “The registration process was easy and the implementation of the tool is very simple. In a very short period of time, the first reimbursement cases started to appear. I couldn‘t believe it when I saw that there were 117 cases.”

“The fact that I have automated the whole process of tracking and reporting the FBA transactions came in very handy, especially in the times we currently live in. Copying and pasting the information to report my claims cases to Amazon has never been so easy!”

“Without SELLERLOGIC I would not have been able to receive this reimbursement of 3886.91 €. At the moment, due to the current situation, with the workload and all the changes that are constantly taking place at Amazon, it would have been impossible for me to take care of this issue” Luis explains. “In these times of Coronavirus, SELLERLOGIC has been quite the gift, I hope I can continue to use it for a long time.”