Five Tools to Increase Your Amazon FBA Business in 2021

5 tools which help you to increase your Amazon FBA Business in 2021

Amazon sellers constantly face a variety of challenges. Whether it is product research, listing optimization, gaining visibility on the platform or standing out from the competition. In order to sell successfully on Amazon, hundreds of tools are now offered for a wide variety of areas. We will present our top 5 in this article, enjoy.

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The tech company builds automated solutions for VAT compliance. Sellers of every size use their software to ensure VAT compliance while selling online in Europe.

1. Hellotax

Anyone who sells goods online cannot avoid the topic of taxes. Online sellers active in Europe have to take care of the correct handling of VAT and the associated tasks. For handling VAT, hellotax offers the all-in-one solution.

A specially developed software and a team of tax accountants throughout Europe automate VAT for Amazon and other online sellers. There is a free version of the software available  that already provides online sellers with insights into their tax obligations and relevant key figures. The paid subscription unlocks further features and allows the complete processing of VAT. Among other things, the hellotax VAT service includes:

  • VAT Registrations
  • Filing VAT returns
  • Storage of official correspondence
  • AI-based, automated correspondence with local tax authorities
  • Real-time monitoring of goods movements and delivery thresholds
  • Notifications and instructions for payments due and other obligations
  • Quality assurance and tax compliance

2. Helium10

Let’s continue with one of the most popular tools in the Amazon FBA universe, Helium10. It is a product research tool that comes with a variety of useful functions product research, keywords analysis, listing optimisation and many additional tools can be accessed using Helium10. It is already the top dog in the US and also European sellers are using the Helium10 suite more and more often.

As stated above, Helium10 comes along with a huge variety of tools. These were designed for the needs of Amazon FBA sellers and can help them with various different tasks. Here a very brief overview on how Helium10 can help Amazon sellers.

Five Tools to Increase Your Amazon FBA Business in 2021
  • The Black Box is a tool for product research based on relevant key metrics. This gives the opportunity to select the products that fit exactly in your business strategy.
  • Trendster visualizes sales trends on Amazon. It shows fluctuations in sales like for example seasonal differences and other trends you might have to consider for your product.
  • Magnet² is the Helium10 tool for keyword research. You enter a seed keyword and get the best, semantically connected and most competitive keywords.
  • Cerebro allows to check keywords from other listings using their ASINs and it provides a large amount of keyword suggestions.
  • Keyword Tracker shows the performance and development of your keywords and shows how each change affects your product listing for a certain keyword.
  • Frankenstein is a tool for managing your keywords, e.g. filtering and optimisation, and creating valuable keyword lists.
  • Scribbles is a tool for listing optimisation that makes sure you do not miss out on using any valuable keywords when creating and optimising your listing.
  • The Index Checker makes it possible to figure out which search terms are indexed by Amazon and which ones are not.
  • The hijacker Alerts tell you whenever someone is copying your listings and selling to a cheaper price so you can start to take action against it.
  • The Inventory Protector makes sure you do not run out of stock (e.g during coupon promotions) by limiting the max. order size and adjusting it automatically.
  • Misspellinator does not help you write your listings correctly. It is rather quite the opposite. With commonly misspelled Amazon keywords, you can find terms with little to no competition and rank for these keywords. Misspellinator tells you the most commonly misspelled versions.
  • The feature Profits shows you all relevant financial data, like gross revenue, net profits, etc. can be found in the main tool dashboard next to the Tool list where the tools above can be found.
  • Xray is the name of the Helium10 Chrome Extension. This addon for your Chrome browser makes product research on Amazon even easier. It simplifies product research and validates potential product opportunities.

3. Perpetua

Another solution which is very popular among Amazon sellers is Perpetua. The company that recently joined forces with Perpetua sells software that ensures higher product visibility and boost sales through optimized Amazon Ads. Perpetua’s Amazon advertising software enables sellers to efficiently generate, launch, and optimize Sponsored Ads within seconds. With Perpetua, you can

Focus on Strategy

Direct your attention to strategic planning rather than manual campaign management. Whether you are initiating your efforts, aiming to boost sales, expand category presence, or enhance awareness, Perpetua’s advertising engine is designed to take this into account and implement it, using your target ACOS and preferred daily budget.

Optimize your Bidding

Continuous bid optimization ensures that you place the appropriate bid at the optimal moment for keywords with the highest conversion potential. With daily automatic adjustments to align with your target ACOS, you can ensure that your campaigns are operating at peak efficiency. Perpetua saves you time here and also provides access to advanced controls for additional customization when needed.

Optimize all the Time

Tailored optimization throughout each hour of the day is a key feature for Perpetua. Hourly metrics, covering campaign performance and Share of Voice, are provided. With dayparting controls, these insights can be used to guarantee that your ads appear precisely where and when you want it to.

4. Payability

Last but not least, we take a look at the fifth tool in our list: Payability is a financing tool for Amazon sellers. The service can be broken down into two main components: the “Instant Access” and the “Instant Advance” service.

Instant Access

Instant Access provides Amazon sellers with 80% of their sales from the previous day each day. The remaining 20% is available as soon as the payout is received from Amazon. With this service, Amazon sellers do not have to wait for weeks to receive the money they have earned from their sales.

Instant Advance

Instant Advance is a service for Amazon merchants, offering them up to $250,000 in advance funding in just 24 hours. Payability buys future sales and offers you an immediate lump sum payment. They check a few metrics, such as sales and account balance and accordingly, to confirm the possibility of this service and set the maximum funding amount.


Good (re)pricing tools are essential for price optimization and the use of a tool that is designed for refunding is also a good idea. SELLERLOGIC offers exactly these services and has been an integral part of the toolbox of many FBA merchants for years.

SELLERLOGIC’s main focus is on these two solutions: 1. the Repricer and 2. the Lost & Found tool for Amazon FBA sellers.


The SELLERLOGIC Repricer not only takes into account all relevant data and metrics for winning the Buy Box, but also analyzes the marketplaces the seller is active on in order to properly evaluate the prices it sets.

This is how it works: the price of your product is first set low enough for it to win the Buy Box. As soon as this has happened, the price is adjusted and gradually goes up again. The main goal here is for the product to stay in the Buy Box while fetching you the highest price possible.

Five Tools to Increase Your Amazon FBA Business in 2021

Lost & Found

SELLERLOGIC’s second solution is the called Lost & Found. When processing orders, mistakes are sometimes made in Amazon’s logistics centres. With these huge sales volumes, this is not surprising. It only becomes annoying for the seller when products are broken, returns do not arrive and/or the FBA fees are calculated incorrectly for your business.

Of course, Amazon is obligated to take over the damage here. And this is where the SELLERLOGIC Lost & Found comes into play. With this solution, FBA reports are scrutinized, irregularities are identified and reported. In particularly tricky cases, the SELLERLOGIC team of experts ensure the best possible processing and goal-oriented communication with Amazon. SELLERLOGIC’s Lost & Found solution also works retrocatively, meaning that if the error occurred 18 months ago, the solution will still be able to identify it and get your money back.

Final Thoughts

With the tools mentioned above, online sellers are able to handle various tasks and reduce the overall workload drastically. Apart from all the tools mentioned above, there are various other solutions on the market for more or less all needs an online seller might have when selling on Amazon. For example solutions for increasing the seller rating and handling the overall feedback, like FeedbackExpress.

For a long time now, a wide variety of processes can be outsourced cost-effectively and efficiently and, in some cases, completely automated. At the end, Amazon FBA sellers need to be aware of the areas they need help with and for sure, there will be a proper solution for all needs.

Image credits in order of appearance: ©Visual Generation –

Maximize your revenue with your B2B and B2C offers using SELLERLOGIC's automated pricing strategies. Our AI-driven dynamic pricing control ensures you secure the Buy Box at the highest possible price, guaranteeing that you always have a competitive edge over your rivals.
SELLERLOGIC Lost & Found Full-Service
Audits every FBA transaction and identifies reimbursement claims resulting from FBA errors. Lost & Found manages the complete refund procedure, including troubleshooting, claim filing, and communication with Amazon. You always have full visibility of all refunds in your Lost & Found Full-Service dashboard.
SELLERLOGIC Business Analytics
Business Analytics for Amazon gives you an overview of your profitability - for your business, individual marketplaces, and all your products.