What is Amazon PPC and how to do it correctly – All You Need to Know

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Let’s face the truth: You’ll need a robust Amazon PPC strategy if you want to be successful on Amazon. Brands, agencies, and third-party sellers can use Amazon PPC to generate adverts for their items that display in Amazon’s search results and rival product listings. Advertising with Amazon offers a plethora of opportunities to promote products. In this article you will find the answer to the most common questions: How does Amazon Pay Per Click work and how to deal with Amazon PPC optimization?

Amazon Pay-per-Click (PPC) Advertising Is a Part of Amazon’s Internal Advertising System. But What Is Amazon PPC?

Amazon PPC is the advertising platform that Amazon provides to its third-party sellers. It enables sellers to establish ad campaigns for their items and then charges them every time a potential buyer clicks on and views their ad. This is important when it comes to selling with Amazon FBA as well.

Amazon PPC is a very visible and effective promotional tool that enables professional sellers to create Amazon advertising campaigns by adding keywords to the product for improved exposure in search results or rival listings, as well as greater organic ranks.

Why Is PPC so Important For Amazon Sellers, You Might Wonder? 

As more consumers shop online, particularly on Amazon.com, sellers have a great opportunity to thrive. However, with an increase in online shopping traffic comes an increase in the number of rivals vying for the most sales. 

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It’s Essential to Remember That Amazon Pay Per Click Advertising Comes With a Wide Variety

Let’s go over the many forms of accessible Amazon PPC advertisements, in order of third-party seller popularity.

Sponsored Product ads

This form of Amazon PPC is highly recommended to start with. When you put a keyword into the Amazon search box and get results, some of the top results will be sponsored articles, which are classified as Amazon ads. They’re identified by text that says “sponsored” or “ad.”

Sponsored Product adverts imitate organic listings and show in search results and product listing pages.

There are two sorts of keyword targeting tactics that a seller may employ when developing sponsored product ads: automatic targeting and manual targeting. What exactly is the distinction?

  •   Automatic targeting

Targeting keywords is part of the automatic strategy when it comes to Amazon PPC. Amazon collects data from consumer clicks and sales over time, then adjusts the advertising to better suit your listing and enhance conversions.

  •   Manual targeting

Manual targeting entails choosing the keywords for which you want to bid by hand. A shopper’s search phrases must match your chosen keywords for manually targeted advertising to show. As a more “hands-on” form of ad, you’ll need to keep an eye on cost fluctuations and make any modifications. This tuning frequently yields more effective ads as well as lower long-term ad cost. So, you can take this PPC strategy into account. 

Sponsored Brand ads

Sponsored Brand advertisements, originally known as “headline search advertisements,” allow sellers to promote multiple products at once and capture consumers’ attention with more detailed imagery than Sponsored Products advertisements.

Sponsored Display ads

Customers who have visited their product detail pages on and off Amazon can be retargeted with Sponsored Display advertising. Sponsored Display advertisements, unlike Sponsored Product and Sponsored Brand ads, can be found on Amazon’s affiliate sites, such as Netflix, Google, and even mobile phone apps. A seller must have a registered brand to use this Amazon PPC advertising method, just like Sponsored Brand ads.

It’s Better to Start With Amazon Sponsored Products. Why?

amazon pay per click advertising

The answer is clear: to get the most bang for your buck.

Under Headline Search ads, on the right side of the SERP, and on product detail pages, you’ll find Sponsored Product Ads. With Sponsored Product Ads, you can reach the most people and receive a high conversion rate. With Sponsored Product advertising campaigns, you can even retarget clients on third-party websites.

Well, Is Amazon PPC Worth It?

Oh yes! Amazon PPC is totally worth it and the number one way to increase traffic to your product. Consider the following advantages:

Easy to scale. 

Each of your campaign performances can be accessed right in front of the seller. 

Total control over the campaign. 

You have complete control over every aspect of the campaign. Furthermore, no payment is made in advance. The starting bid might be as little as one dollar.

Easy to optimize. 

A seller sets a pay-per-click bid. As a consequence, you’ll be able to rapidly target your bidding and determine where and how much to bid.

Simple to Measure. 

The results of each of your campaigns may be shown directly in front of the seller. Take the time to learn the full game and take the necessary steps to turn your business around.

All these advantages sound pretty convincing, don’t they? Well, now it’s time to get to the bottom of the most intriguing question.

How Much Does Amazon PPC Cost?

What is Amazon PPC and how to do it correctly – All You Need to Know

PPC on Amazon does not cost a fortune. The average cost of a click on Amazon is 10 eurocents. If the advertisement is to be placed in the top section, the click price must be set higher depending on the category.

The amount you spend when a consumer clicks on your Amazon ad is known as your Amazon cost-per-click (Amazon CPC).

Because Amazon PPC is an auction, the amount you pay is only a cent more than what the next highest bidder for that term is willing to spend.

While the highest bidder has the best chance of winning, a lower CPC translates to a greater return on investment. On Amazon Ads, the average CPC is $0.71. You’ll be in a terrific position with your campaign if you can acquire a lower CPC than the average CPC of $0.71.

Let’s Take a Look at How to Plan an Amazon PPC Campaign.

The following are the fundamental components of a successful Amazon PPC management strategy:

  1. Conduct in-depth keyword research.
  2. Experiment with different types of PPC ad campaigns and keyword targeting options to find what works best for your business.
  3. Run reports and make modifications once ad campaigns have been running for at least two weeks.
  4. Make sure a keyword receives at least 10 clicks before changing or eliminating it from a manual campaign.
  5. Once a week, go over your ad reports again, removing, adding, and modifying keywords as appropriate.
What is Amazon PPC and how to do it correctly – All You Need to Know

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Last but Not Least, There Are Some Amazon Advertising Tips to Follow in Order to Get the Most Out of Your Amazon PPC Campaigns.

Remember that the ad campaign is the heart and soul of advertising on Amazon.

However Obvious It Might Seem, Plan Your Campaigns Carefully and Set Goals.

Both long term and short-term goals are being pursued. Choose whether you want to base your Amazon PPC campaign on speed or efficiency. For speedy exposure and sales, choosing speed as your company’s aim necessitates a good bidding amount on your competitive keywords. Amazon frequently chooses the term with the highest bidding to display first. If you already have a successful online business and a considerable amount of money to spend on keywords, you can use this business aim.

Select From Automatic or Manual Options.

To make your life less stressful while still being effective, pick Automatic for the first few days, where you hand over all control to Amazon in terms of setting target keywords for your items.

Then, when you feel your items have a lot of differences and each one requires a lot of regular modifications, you may switch to manual settings.

Be Careful About The Products You Choose For Amazon PPC Campaign.

Another advice is to create separate campaigns for separate products. You can also divide your campaigns into different ad groups. Ad groups are created to make campaigns very specific to a product.

Figure Out Which Keywords Are Negative And How To Get Rid Of Them.

Negative keywords are one of the many sorts of keywords available. These are keywords that have nothing to do with your items’ relevancy. Negative keywords cause your advertising to be seen, but they are not clicked or paid for a long time because the user never looked for that product.

Remember to Analyze Your Metrics.

In a tabular format, you may readily view the complete picture. Examine each of these figures and adjust your investment, budget, and campaigns as necessary.

Final Thoughts

Amazon PPC is one of the most straightforward and efficient methods of reaching out to potential Amazon customers.

Our advice is to make campaigns to find keywords that lead to sales, while keywords that aren’t performing well should be eliminated. Take a calculated risk and remember: Experimenting is the key to success. Don’t be afraid to become an Amazon PPC expert! 

Image credits in the order of appearance: © ribkhan – stock.adobe.com / © FOTOSPLASH – stock.adobe.com / © pixelkorn – stock.adobe.com

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