Amazon FBA Product Research – The Fast Lane to Increased Profits

product research for amazon

You know that selling on Amazon FBA can be difficult, don’t you? Of course, this business requires a lot of effort and planning. One of the strategies, in order to be successful, is to do product research on Amazon. 

But What Is Amazon Product Research? 

Product research for Amazon FBA is the process of finding opportunities on Amazon. In other words, the goal is to look for products that you can get cheaply and resell. Of course, you can’t just choose a random product and expect to sell it successfully – that would be too easy. 

It’s not rocket science to find a particular product on Amazon, but you have to know what to look for. Many items have become entirely saturated, with hundreds of sellers attempting to offer the same thing in the same way. So, without a doubt, various key elements must be evaluated when it comes to product research on Amazon. We will dive deeper into that later. 

Why Is It So Important to Do Product Research on Amazon? 

Okay, first things go first. 

You won’t be able to detect potentially profitable items without improving your research abilities. Following your gut feeling will lead you into losing money if you just pick random products that seem appealing to you. This “strategy” is not going to work in 90% of the cases. So, it’s worth selling what really sells rather than selling what you want. In other words, there is no room for guesses when it comes to eCommerce. At least, it’s a huge risk. 

Indeed, many sellers think that Amazon FBA product research is not a walk in the park. The reason for that is that they simply don’t know what to concentrate on and what strategies to follow. It gets even more difficult when you start looking for an item and they seem all equal. However, before carrying out the research, you should know exactly what potentially profitable products look like. 

When researching things to sell on Amazon, there are some important product features to consider. Obviously, you should look for items that sell. How to choose them? 

Okay, it’s of paramount importance to take the following product research on Amazon criteria into consideration if you want to choose an excellent product to sell:

  1. Low competition means you can easily get into the market.
  2. Opt for small and lightweight items, because it’s easier to store and ship them.
  3. Low prices seem appealing to those customers who tend to make impulse purchases. 

These factors can help you to sort out products that can put your eCommerce success at risk. 

Another recommendation is to choose a product that can come in variations. For example, if you are selling socks or T-shirts, you can come out with these items in different colors and sizes. This allows you to increase profit margins. Especially, if you get all from the same supplier, you can get a good deal!

Now let’s brainstorm a bit, and take a look at some tactics to use when it comes to product research on Amazon. 

Amazon FBA product research reddit

How Can You Find Products to Sell? 

Actually, there are two methods to perform product research on Amazon: 

  1. Manually
  2. With the help of automated tools

Let’s start with a manual approach. 

We will not give you any crazy Amazon FBA product research techniques, but the following ones can definitely come in handy:

It’s easy to set up alerts to get notified as soon as new trends or topics arise. Sounds cool, doesn’t it? You don’t get notifications directly about products to sell, but trends can help you realize what to sell and what needs customers do have at the moment.

Just don’t forget to choose your country before choosing a web search to see results in Google Trends. 

Talk With Suppliers.

They can reveal some secrets to you: specifically, the inside scoop on their best-selling items. This tactic is considered to be fast and easy because usually, suppliers know exactly what sells well. Moreover, never forget that the more products you buy from one supplier, the lower the unit cost can be! Big discounts are available if you have trustworthy relationships with suppliers. Basically, they are your true friends when it comes to product research on Amazon. 

Take a Look at Ebay’s Hot Lists.

Yes, you see this right: eBay. It is a good source of information for you. Why? If a product is selling well on eBay, the chances are high that it will sell well on Amazon!

Look Into the Sections Titled ‘Customers Also Bought’ and ‘Frequently Bought Together’ on Amazon

It goes without saying that you’ll need a general understanding of the niche and product you’re looking for, but this strategy will help you not only analyze your target consumers’ behavior but also design a product bundle.

On Amazon, products that are commonly purchased together might be merged into one fantastic product that could become a bestseller. Customers who bought similar products are likely to be extremely popular, and they may be explored further and either put to a ‘bundle’ or sourced.

We consider this strategy to be very useful when doing product research on Amazon because ‘bundle’ items can not only give you the idea of selling items but also increase margins in the long run. 

Amazon Lists

Instead of browsing on different websites, you can simply do your FBA product research on Amazon itself. 

The Amazon Bestseller lists, which include ‘movers and shakers’, most wished for,’ and ‘gift ideas’ categories in addition to ‘bestsellers’, might provide you with vital information about the types of things you should consider adding to your inventory.

You can also try out an automated tool to choose the right product. This is, without a doubt, one of the easiest methods. The right tool will help you save time and money. There are a lot of them on the market, so find the best one for your business.

Some Amazon FBA Product Research Tips

  • View the goods that are most frequently added to gift lists or even ordered as presents with ‘Most Wished’ and ‘Most Gifted’. This helps identify what kinds of items are popular, which will provide you ideas for specialty research rather than product research on Amazon.
Amazon FBA: How product research for free works
  • Browse ‘Hot New Releases’ to see what’s hot right now and what’s coming out soon. You should narrow it down, and base your ongoing research on goods that are comparable to those that have recently been published.
  • To see the top 100 bestselling goods in any category, go to Bestsellers. Don’t select the top-selling item in the top-level category as the product you’ll source and sell. Instead, select a subcategory and examine the top 100 in that category. Choose a product to investigate deeper, and instead of obtaining the same thing, look for a comparable but better alternative.
  • Bear in mind the feedback from customers. That is the genuine source of information you need for your product research on Amazon.

Amazon Product Research Requirements Checklist

Here’s a brief rundown of what you’ll need to choose the perfect product:

  1. Products that are inexpensive are selling better.
  2. It should not be a fragile product.
  3. Products that are small and light are the best to sell.
  4. Choose similar goods in the main category with a best seller rank.
  5. Don’t opt for seasonal products. Instead, choose those that you can sell any time during the year. The simplest method to figure this out is to go to Google Trends and enter in your product’s main keyword. You’ll be able to tell if your product is seasonal or not once you get there.
  6. There should be no legal issues with the goods.
  7. There should be no trademarks or brand names linked with the product.
  8. Possibility of expanding your brand with complementary items.
Amazon FBA: the right product research software for you

Final Thoughts

Selecting the appropriate product might be difficult but not impossible. So, don’t get scared when you hear the words “product research on Amazon”. Now you are well-prepared for it. You just need to follow the set criteria and never forget to browse the trends. Our tips and tactics will help you.

Remember that it makes no sense at all to try to guess which product will sell successfully because you put your business at risk. Do you need that? Most likely not. 

Going through this time-consuming procedure is worthwhile since you never know when you can come upon an undiscovered gem that will be beneficial to your company.

We wish you good luck with your product research on Amazon. Get the best items possible! 

Are there any product research tools for Amazon?

Yes, you can easily find an appropriate one for your business, but whatever tool you use, you’ll need an Amazon repricer to guarantee you always have the most competitive pricing available. Check out SELLERLOGIC Repricer.

What is the best Amazon product research tool?

Amazon product research software won’t ensure you’ll make a fortune as an Amazon FBA seller, but it will start you on the right track. Take your time to choose the best one for your business so you can begin functioning more efficiently. The best Amazon product research tool is the one that suits your company’s needs.

Image credits in order of appearance: © – / © bakhtiarzein – / © Nattapol_Sritongcom –

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Audits every FBA transaction and identifies reimbursement claims resulting from FBA errors. Lost & Found manages the complete refund procedure, including troubleshooting, claim filing, and communication with Amazon. You always have full visibility of all refunds in your Lost & Found Full-Service dashboard.
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