13 Amazon FBA Tools to Boost Your Business

An Amazon seller can use FBA software that is free of charge, but still good.

The song “Time Is on My Side” is one of the greatest hits by The Rolling Stones and also a song which no business owner will ever be able to identify with. Everybody knows that time is scarce if you run a business, be it brick and mortar or online. That’s why sellers are constantly looking for ways to work more effectively and efficiently. Luckily, online sellers have it a little easier in this regard. This is because they can use tools that automate tedious processes. In this article, we will inform you about the most necessary tools for Amazon FBA.

The thing about Amazon FBA software is that it not only helps you to work faster, it is also more precise and not prone to human error, meaning that – at the end of the day – it will bring in better results for your business. Because of this, the demand for good tools is always high. But so is the supply. So high in fact, that finding the right tool for your business becomes a little complicated due to all the different factors you have to keep in mind.

To make it easier for you, we’ve put together thirteen useful tools for Amazon FBA sellers that will help you free up your timetable. 

Our Recommendations: Amazon FBA Tools  

You can find Amazon FBA tools for different areas of your business. Having trouble keeping up with the trends on the market? Get a product sourcing tool. Too busy to filter out which keywords will help your listings and PPC campaigns gain more visibility? Find yourself a SEO tool to help you out with this. Not sure what you’re looking for? Get an all-in-one tool and work from there on out. Here are our top picks in each category for you.

#1 Amazon Seller App 

tools for amazon fba-amazon seller app

First things first. Amazon’s own Seller App can be downloaded in the common app stores. It belongs to the free of charge tools for Amazon FBA and will help you run your business on the go with your smartphone. 

There are various features you can use like analyzing your sales and profit, finding products to sell or managing your listing. Regular updates keep improving this app allowing you to run your business remotely.

Costs: free of charge

All-In-One Tools

As the name suggests, these FBA Amazon tools are a one-stop shop for everyone looking to improve their e-commerce game in general. They encompass many different modules and can help your listing gain momentum and revenue. On the other hand, the users are also bound to this one solution and its components which means less flexibility.

#2: Perpetua

Tools for Amazon FBA - Perpetua

Tools for Amazon FBA are sometimes offered in the form of a pre-packaged deal. As an example Perpetua offers product visibility enhancement and promises to boost sales using their optimization and intelligence software tailored for Amazon Ads. This allows users to efficiently generate, launch, and optimize Sponsored Ads within seconds through our Amazon advertising software.

Trial: No free trial
Pricing: $250/mo to custom pricing (for enterprise clients)

#3: Amalyze

When it comes to all-round FBA tools, Amalyze is a company that you should be taking a closer look at. Their sophisticated competitor analysis enables you to keep an eye on what other sellers on your listing are up to and their keyword tool helps you find relevant search terms for your ASINs. Market observation makes it possible to filter out certain bestsellers of a category, which products are sold by Amazon themselves or which competitors sell products similar to your own. 

Here’s a USP for you: Amalyze is an Amazon FBA software solution that analyzes its own performance. How have reviews and ratings developed? Which listing ranks for which keywords? And are there already PPC ads such as sponsored ads for a keyword?

Trial: free trial possible
Costs: n/a

FBA software reviews can help you get a first impression.

#4: Helium 10

Among the well-known tools for Amazon FBA merchants are those created by Helium 10. These include solutions for product and keyword research, optimizing listings, and automating recurring tasks. 

Analysis and marketing are also a part of Helium 10’s portfolio. The software specialized for Amazon FBA allows you to analyze suitable keywords for campaigns or competitors and products. A very convenient factor, especially for new sellers, is that you do not have to pay for the entire range of tools, but can conveniently choose the ones you have a specific need for. 

Trial: free trial possible
Costs: from $39/mo

Finding the Right Words – SEO-Tools and Their Benefits

For Amazon FBA sellers (and – strictly seen – everyone else as well) Amazon is nothing more than a search engine for products. This also means that you can improve the visibility of your listing dramatically with a little bit of SEO knowledge … or the right tools. 

Many seller tools cost money, but some can be accessed at no charge and can still come in handy. Google Trends is one of these. This free Amazon FBA software is often overlooked although it is a great tool for checking up on new products or comparing products to each other. It can also be used to identify current keyword trends (and thereby possible future bestsellers and to check on the seasonality of products. 

For example, if you compare the keywords “socks” and “bikini”, you can clearly see that the interest in bikinis was strongly seasonal in the past year, but stayed pretty much the same for socks throughout the year. 

The best Amazon FBA software is not necessarily the most expensive.

Other interesting data you can retrieve at this point are regional differences. In our case you could derive that it would be a good idea to rather sell bikinis than socks in Germany. However, if you were to sell socks, they would sell similarly well (or miserably) in all regions. 

The best tools for Amazon FBA are not the most expensive ones.

Costs: free of charge

#6: Keywordtool.io

Tools for Amazon FBA - keywordtool.io

Tools for Amazon sellers can be a cost factor that should not be underestimated, especially if you are just getting started with your online business. Keywordtool.io is free of charge and enables you to narrow down your search by country as well as focusing specifically on Amazon. 

The tool uses an autosuggest function of the various search engines as a database. It delivers relevant long-tail search terms for the main keyword. As is the case with many tools for Amazon FBA, you will have to get past the paywall to unlock the solution’s full potential. In this case, you will need to buy the pro version if you want to know the estimated search volume.

Costs: free version possible; paid version from $69/mo

Find Your Perfect Research Tool – Sourcing and Product

Finding the right product at the right time requires a bit of intuition, maybe a bit of luck. Most of the time, however, it is just hard work and a lot of effort that you have to put into research and sourcing. This of course takes up a lot of time. The following product and sourcing tools for Amazon FBA can help you out in this case.

#7: Jungle Scout

Tools for Amazon FBA - junglescout

When it comes to software for Amazon FBA, everyone has heard of Jungle Scout. This tool enables the optimization of listings and keywords that can be tracked over a certain period of time. You can also automate your responses to product reviews with Jungle Scout. 

However, the product research and supplier search solutions are particularly valuable tools for Amazon FBA sellers. In the supplier database, the manufacturers of certain products can be researched. It is also possible to search by specific ASINs, brands, or companies. 

Jungle Scout’s supplier database also shows manufacturers with similar products who are willing to fulfill smaller order quantities, which is relevant information whether you are an FBA veteran, or just starting out, or you operate mainly in niches.  

Trial: 7-day money-back guarantee
Costs: from $49/mo

#8: Tiptrans

Tools for Amazon FBA - Tiptrans

Before you start selling a product, you will naturally want to see a few samples before buying in bulk. Since many people source in China, the delivery of these samples can become quite expensive. Tiptrans is one of the tools for Amazon FBA that has identified this particular pain and worked on a solution. 

This FBA software for Amazon sellers allows you to store your samples in a Tiptrans warehouse and then send all your samples to their final destination at once, saving you the costs of multiple shipments. 

Trial: n/a
Costs: see price list here

#9 CamelCamelCamel

Tools for Amazon FBA - camelcamelcamel

Another solution you might want to consider when you’re looking for the best tools for any Amazon FBA seller is a CamelCamelCamel. Why? It’s for free and can help you make better decisions in regard to your product research and pricing. 

Price trackers like this one will show you how prices have evolved over time. Now, if a price is constantly decreasing and gets near your costs for the product, the conclusion to draw from that is pretty clear: Don’t invest!

Of course, this also helps you finding the right price for a new product in your portfolio. This way you can see at a glance what prices your competitors are setting and you can align.

Costs: free of charge

Tools to Keep Your Business Running Well

Quick test: what’s Amazon’s number one priority? Exactly, customer satisfaction! So make sure that at least one or two tools for Amazon FBA cover that! We’ve got two definite suggestions for you: 

#10 edesk

Tools for Amazon FBA - edesk

edesk helps you with your customer support and with getting reviews. Latter is an enormously important factor for your success on Amazon. Reviews will not only gain trust on the customer side, they will also increase your chances of winning the Buy Box and improve your ranking. 

As this tool automates the ‘Request a Review’ feature in Amazon Seller Central itself, you can be sure that it is compliant with Amazon’s strict policies. Yey, finally a way to automate reviews even on Amazon! 

By the way, edesk took over the well-known and beloved tool Feedback Express. So if you have already heard a lot of positive feedback for this tool, you should be good to go with edesk now. 

Trial: 14-day free trial
Costs: from $65/mo

#11 eComEngine

Tools for Amazon FBA - ecom engine

Right on top of the list on how to keep your customers happy is good inventory management. Why? Because customers don’t like waiting for their deliveries. And they like it even less if they order and the seller needs to cancel because he/she ran out of stock due to bad inventory management.  

That’s why we put this software on the list of top tools for Amazon FBA sellers. eComEngine will tell you when and how much you need to restock. It will also help you with shipments and labelling.

Trial: 21-day free trial
Costs: from $99.99/mo

Vital Tools for Amazon FBA – Price Optimization and Reimbursement Claims

Many tools are simply nice to have whereas others are a necessity for your business. Depending on the size and business model of your company, you will have to find out which tools represent what for you and which tools for Amazon FBA can help you grow your business as fast as possible. 

Given the fact that Amazon changes its prices 2.5 million times a day, having a dynamic repricer in your tool portfolio is always a good idea. And taking into account that the average seller (in Germany) loses around 6,000 € a year due to FBA errors, a tool that will identify your reimbursement claims is also a sound investment.

#12: SELLERLOGIC Repricer

Tools for Amazon FBA - SELLERLOGIC Repricer

Our tools for Amazon FBA are the Repricer and our Lost & Found solution. But why should you go for our Repricer? Especially since there are many other repricers out there that you can use free of charge, for example the one from Amazon? 

The answer is simple. Our FBA Repricer was built with the interest of the sellers in mind, while other repricers – especially the static models – often only benefit the buyers and the sales platform. That is because conventional repricers try to trigger sales with static minimum prices. The strategy here is simple: The lowest price wins.

As you can imagine, this strategy often leads to price wars among sellers and sometimes even forces Amazon merchants to sell undervalue, and nobody wants that. 

The SELLERLOGIC Repricer, on the other hand, makes sure that you don’t sell at the lowest price but at the best price. There are many solutions out there and it is for you to decide which one is the best FBA repricer. The only advice we can give you is to choose a dynamic solution over the static models, unless you enjoy being involved in price wars. You can find out more about our dynamic repricing tool here.

#13: SELLERLOGIC Lost & Found

Tools for Amazon FBA - SELLERLOGIC Lost&Found

In warehouses as big as the ones from Amazon, errors are bound to happen. How could they not? The workload is huge and warehouse workers are just as prone to human error as we are. This means that sometimes things get lost, or things break. The important thing is that the owner of these lost and broken products – the Amazon seller – gets reimbursed. 

This is where one of our tools for Amazon FBA, Lost & Found, comes into play. Read all about it in detail on our Lost & Found product page.

As an Amazon seller, your FBA software should have one job: making your life easier. This is why Lost & Found identifies FBA errors for you and supports you with the preparation of data, documentation of cases, and communication with Amazon. If that is still not enough to get your reimbursement claim, our customer support and success team will help you with the communication. Find out more about our customer service here. 

Final Thoughts

Even though Keith Richards may still have time on his side, this isn’t the case for us mortal humans. This entails that we have to find means and ways to make our lives easier from a professional and personal point of view. Tools for Amazon FBA are an effective way to step up your game in areas of your work as an Amazon seller that are normally tedious and time-consuming. Whether you are looking for solutions to help you out with sourcing and product research, reimbursement claims and repricing, or simply an all-in-one tool for everything, there is something for everyone out there. 

If you are looking to find out more about how software can save you time, then we have just the right article on Amazon sellers and their tools for you.

Image credits in order of appearance: © chinnarach – stock.adobe.com / © NaMaKuKi – stock.adobe.com / © Chaiwat – stock.adobe.com

Maximize your revenue with your B2B and B2C offers using SELLERLOGIC's automated pricing strategies. Our AI-driven dynamic pricing control ensures you secure the Buy Box at the highest possible price, guaranteeing that you always have a competitive edge over your rivals.
SELLERLOGIC Lost & Found Full-Service
Audits every FBA transaction and identifies reimbursement claims resulting from FBA errors. Lost & Found manages the complete refund procedure, including troubleshooting, claim filing, and communication with Amazon. You always have full visibility of all refunds in your Lost & Found Full-Service dashboard.
SELLERLOGIC Business Analytics
Business Analytics for Amazon gives you an overview of your profitability - for your business, individual marketplaces, and all your products.